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If the Church is Holy, Let Her Prove It

If the Church is Holy, Let Her Prove It

The Catholic Church claims holiness—but holiness requires justice. True faith demands truth, and real repentance means more than poetic defenses of a broken institution. This blog challenges the misguided loyalty that protects power over people and calls for real accountability.

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It Is Not Enough to Stop at Moral Failing

It Is Not Enough to Stop at Moral Failing

Introduction In light of the grave crisis of sexual misconduct within our Church, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference, has acknowledged the issue, stating, "Our Church is suffering from a crisis of sexual morality. The way forward...

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What Did Pope Benedict Really Know?

What Did Pope Benedict Really Know?

Objectively False or Lie St. Peter's Square What did Pope Benedict know about the priest before him? There is nothing more heartbreaking to a victim or the family of a victim of clergy sex abuse than to sit down and read a new daily headline on who knew what about...

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